Summer Daze

Lazy Summer Days

It’s one of those lazy, hazy summer days when no plan for the day is the best idea.

Summer Shade

Instead, it’s time to loll in the shade, cooled by nature’s breezes, lulled by the finches’ dulcet tones, and sip a drink, accompanied by the clink of ice cubes.

Cold Drink

It’s too hot to cook, even on the grill, so dinner will be a crisp, chilled salad and dessert, decadent gooey ice cream. [Rumor has it that the calories will cancel each other out]

Ice Cream

In that vein, tonight’s blog is short and sweet. Enjoy your evening.

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Author JL Huffman

I’m a retired Trauma surgeon/ICU doctor, a world traveler and gardener. I’ve published in the surgical literature; now I’m writing poetry, memoir & fiction.