
After the year 2020, that began with the first USA COVID case on January 20, followed by the first USA COVID death on February 29, I am grateful that among our family and acquaintances only a few have been touched lightly by the pandemic.

This weekend we were fortunate to visit once more with family, having not seen them since February 2020. It was a golden time. We are blessed that the Death angel passed over all of our doors.

The USA has experienced disease, understocked grocery shelves and shortages of household products, but now we are gradually climbing out of the abyss. I hope that we will never take the bounty of family, health, food and shelter for granted again.



Author JL Huffman

I’m a retired Trauma surgeon/ICU doctor, a world traveler and gardener. I’ve published in the surgical literature; now I’m writing poetry, memoir & fiction.