2024 Total Solar Eclipse

Author JL Huffman
2 min readApr 8, 2024


2024 Total Solar Eclipse (NASA)

Today, April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse occurred.

North Carolina view of eclipse (janotqwinnah)

At my location in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, we were lucky to observe about an 85% eclipse at 15:10 EDT.

App State Dark Sky Observatory, NC

We traveled to the nearby Dark Sky Observatory to partake in the event. Nearly 200 people joined in the experience. The big telescope was not aimed at the sun, but two smaller optics were equipped with filtered lenses. The observatory functions under the auspices of Appalachian State University. The Observatory Director, Dr. Daniel Canton, was on hand to coordinate activities. The Department Chair, Dr. Tonya Coffey, other Physics Professors, and several Physics/Astronomy students joined the festivities.

Safe Solar Sunglasses

Free solar sunglasses provided a safe viewing experience.

Future Solar Eclipses

The world map above shows the location of future eclipses. Because the Earth is 70% water, many of the best viewing sites are over oceans. Special cruises cater to this circumstance.

Eclipse Watcher

Did you get to see the eclipse today? Have you seen others in the past?

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Author JL Huffman

I’m a retired Trauma surgeon/ICU doctor, a world traveler and gardener. I’ve published in the surgical literature; now I’m writing poetry, memoir & fiction.